Hubei province "Young Pioneers reform program" preached video will be held in our school
2018-03-13 10:04:00
In the afternoon of May 5, 2017, the video of "the reform program for the young pioneers" in Hubei will be held in the grand classroom of our school. Xu Xiongfei, Minister of Youth League Committee in Hubei Province, the national total of young pioneers counselor Xu Mingxia Young Pioneers teacher studio host, Jianghan District Education Bureau of the Communist Youth League secretary, Duan Ting Zhu Hongchun, chief instructor of young pioneers teacher studio host, province committee members, vice president Zhu Hongchun of Wu Luo Road, province committee deputy director, China elementary school principals Shen Aihua, Chinese Vice President Liu Hongyun, China elementary school elementary school student development center director Liu Chunyan, provincial schools, University high school, school counselors and members of the Communist Youth League secretary attended the meeting.
First of all, province committee deputy director, China elementary school principal Shen Aihua for the content of the meeting we were introduced. Then, watch the "Young Pioneers" reform plan propaganda video conference, video conference, the Central Committee Leaders less detail for the "Young Pioneers" reform plan, and the layout of this two important Pioneers work content, namely: “ dynamic squadron ” construction and “ I have to practice my grandfather &rdquo's series of activities. The conference has made clear the content and focus of the work for the future. Finally, the League Committee youth minister Xu Xiongfei will do a summary of the video, he mentioned: I'm a young pioneer workers in addition to interpret the "Young Pioneers" reform plan, but also need to implement the "Young Pioneers" reform plan, and in the "Young Pioneers" reform plan under the guidance of a new completion of their young pioneers activity.